Maybe on a morning

I could wake up first and start 

the coffee; scramble eggs and 

toast seedy bread. I’d pour the 

hot coffee (yours with milk, mine

without) and you would wake up 

smelling breakfast. You can eat 

bacon, I don’t care, I’ll have

yogurt. Then we might take our 

big dog for a walk around 

the quiet lake we live on. 


It is still early enough 

that there’s dew on the grass and 

the cool of the night hasn’t 

broken so we wear flannels. 


At this house, we would have one 

of those mailboxes with a 

red flag that signals when there’s 

mail, but I really don’t think 

houses will still have those when 

we are old enough to retire. 

Author: roselitworld

Senior at DePaul University in Chicago studying English. Happy right now.

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